Monday, January 10, 2011

Crazy People Are Crazy

There are a lot of people pointing fingers regarding the cause the shooting rampage in Tuscon, AZ.  The only problem is that they are pointing them at everyone but the responsible party.  Namely, the guy who pulled the trigger.  He alone is the responsible party.

It's true that there are people in this country, on both sides, with large followings who don't realize the power and impact of their words.  But, they can't be blamed for the decision of one unhinged man.  When the Son of Sam went around killing people at the instance of his dog, did the media blame the hound or the man?  What's the difference now?  The only difference I see is an activist media who put a man in office and can't stand the idea of him being a one term president.

I've never been a fan of Sarah Palin, but when I see people going to such extremes to discredit her it makes me wonder.  What are they afraid of?

There's one thing I know they're not afraid of, sacrificing their reputations and credibility to a complete lack of objectivity and integrity.  By twisting the horrific act of a deranged maniac to their own ends they are an embarrassment to their profession and absolutely disrespectful to the victims and their families.

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