Wednesday, January 4, 2012

An Open Letter to the Kardashians

Dear Kardashians,

We, the people of the United States of America, have been patient through the drama, butt x-rays, cosmetic surgery, marriages, and that creepy guy with the same name as the 1976 Olympic Decathlon Gold Medalist. But, enough is enough.

We appreciate the fact that you make a fortune with your bad acting and spelling things with the letter “K”. It’s one of the things that make America great. It also makes the terrorists hate us, and probably the Canadians. But, let’s face it; the whole shtick has gone stale. It’s time we both moved on.

Here is an idea: Use 2012 as your big finale. Like a victory lap around the internet and tabloids. Go nuts this year! A few of you can get married (Hey, Kim, third time’s the charm, right?). Have a few cosmetic procedures done while it’s still on the E! Channel’s budget. Get a few of those younger family members exposed to the wonderful world of fame and fortune based on mindless excess and no talent. You know - the works! The advertisers will eat this up. You could even look into some sort of cross marketing with the “Real Wives” franchise where you all are locked in the mansion of a fad diet doctor. Sort of like “Survivor” or the “Hunger Games”.

Anyway, it’s just a thought. You’re the experts and we’re confident that you will find a way to turn this year in to another vapid, degrading and profitable experience.

The tired 99%

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